

Ljuga River Case Area – Suida River.


Suida River flows through the territory of the Men’kovo Experimental Station owned by the Agro-physical Institute. There is 173.8 hectares at the station, the catchment area are 1,96 km2. The water in Suida River is characterized as “polluted” (class 3, category “a”) in 2018.

The agricultural fields at  Men’kovo Experimental Station can in the future have a function as a scientific test site with agri-environmental measures and in the same time be a demonstration area for agricultural advisors and farmers.

In the case area there has been focus on:

  1. Find 1-2 suitable environmental measures at the Men’kovo Experimental Station. Focus on constructed wetlands, sedimentation ponds for phosphorus, bufferzones, intelligent bufferzones IBZ and saturated buffer zones, controlled drainage, two stage ditch, bevelling ditch, filter ditch (lime filtration drainage) and structure liming.
  2. Study the effectiveness of the selected environmental measures
  3. Check the possibility to include the measures in the existing drainage system
  4. Develop of the technical documentation for construction / implementation of measures or reconstruction of the existing drainage system with the inclusion of the measures.

Conclusions and findings

One of the key factors in the case area are low interest in constructed wetlands from the landowners perspective, so there are some crucial factors to consider and take care of.

  1. Low awareness of ecological issues, including current environmental challenges, the influence of agricultural activities on the environment, the pollution of water basin, measures to address environmental and water protection problems, including the constructing of wetlands
  2. Low motivation of farmers to implement eco-measures in their own economic activities.

In particular, due to the lack of regulatory requirements and a systematic approach to such work, the high cost of their implementation, the lack of appropriate targets in government programs and effective measures to support their implementation (including in the form of subsidies) The lack of government incentives eco-friendly measures in rural farming, land reclamation, development of rural territories, both material (subsidization, taxation etc.) and moral (through educational programs and events, moral encouragement, etc.) The limitations of existing government support programs, especially for small farmers, which make it difficult to conduct economic activities and move to more innovative ways.

The aims forward:

Promotion of educational programs and events with a focus on climate change, an influence of agriculture on the environment, water management and its possible tools, including wetlands. The target groups of such programs should be farmers, the authorities, the population of rural areas, and schoolchildren. The priority area is raising awareness of farmers and agricultural producers of the Kaliningrad region about environmental challenges which is implemented in an accessible form and in a variety of formats. Forming a pool of experts on ecological issues promotion, creation of an information and resource centre on water management. For solving this problems, other target groups of the project may be involved: scientific research, ecological and educational organizations, individual experts, the WUP, etc. Accelerating research for more eco-friendly solutions in agriculture, taking into account the specifics of the region, dissemination of scientific achievements, modern eco-friendly agricultural technologies, and successful practical experience. Development and implementation of incentive measures for farmers by government and municipal agencies in regard to environmental measures (introduction of eco-friendly technologies and measures for environmental damage compensation, etc.), including through support measures from government (subsidies, grants, tax breaks, etc.).

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