
About Waterdrive

Ninety million people live in the Baltic Sea Region. They face declining water quality and the consequences of extreme weather events due to climate change. The region has escalating challenges with eutrophication, reduced water availability due to drought and flooding, and loss of other ecosystem services especially in agriculture intensive parts of the region. How we manage water in the agricultural landscape will have impact on the quality of water, the availability of water, food production, biodiversity and rural development. Climate change is adding additional drivers.

Waterdrive team was investigating and learning across the Baltic Sea Region concerning water management in agricultural landscapes. The basic question we tried to answer – if local level and cross-actor collaboration can play a more significant role in reaching set targets and policies?

The findings from Waterdrive case areas, expert work and events are collected and presented at this web page in form of interactive tools, reports, recommendations and videos. They are offered for your studies and taking in action at multiple levels such as governmental, agricultural advisory systems and local governments.

The main Waterdrive target groups: local authorities and farming communities in agricultural landscapes of the Baltic Sea Region and national authorities responsible for policy development. The project was active in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Russia and Denmark.

Waterdrive involved 23 partners representing advisory services, local authorities, interest organizations, national authorities and academia. The lead partner – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Waterdrive was funded by the EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme and national contributions from Denmark, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia and Latvia.

